Greg Furman
Entrepreneur - Painter - Photographer - Poet - Sculptor
Why I Sculpt

Looking way back, I see, that as a child of four sculpting in multi-colored modeling clay or deliciously edible-smelling playdough (so disappointing it failed to taste as good as it smelled) was a form of occupying a highly-active imagination and playing god.The control and ecstasy of immersion in that all-consuming pursuit still have for me few equals. My first encounter with Alexanders Calder far ahead in my future, I would create my own miniature circus with clowns, horses, elephants and princesses riding bareback or whole baseball teams right down to cheering crowds in the stands and home plate. All now melted into my distant past. Wish I had saved them. And so, the artist in me, the love of making,
creating something from nothing, something magical and new was born.